Dr Kam Star

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Dr Kam Star

Chief Product & Technology Officer

Product Portfolio Blackbelt

AI & ML Expert

Empathic Leader

Trailblazing Product Strategist

Insightful Entrepreneur

Pioneering Product Visionary

Blog Post

My favorite books

January 25, 2022 Personal

I love new ideas, and whilst talks, podcasts, videos, and blogs are great, there is nothing quite as enthralling as a well-written book that gives you a fantastic insight into a new idea, thought or process.

Here is a shortlist of some of my favourite books I’ve read through the years, it’s by no means exhaustive as there are probably others I can’t readily recall.

  • Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don’t – James C. Collins
  • Leadership Strategy and Tactics – Jacko Willink
  • Dare to Lead – Berne Brown
  • Product Roadmaps Relaunched –
  • Innovation Lab Excellence – Richard Turrin
  • Inspired – Marty Cagan
  • Life 3.0 – Max Tegmark
  • The Art of Profitability – Adrian Slywotzky
  • Inside the Tornado : Strategies for Developing, Leveraging and Surviving Hypergrowth Markets – Geoffrey Moore
  • Product-led Growth : Wes Bush
  • The Curve – Nicholas Lovell
  • Empowered – Marty Cagan
  • Be More Pirate – Sam Conniff
  • Obv!ously Awesome – April Dunford
  • Outliers – Malcolm Gladwell
  • New Thinking for New Millenium – Edward De Bono
  • Tactics – Edward De Bono
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey
  • Zero to One – Peter Thiel and Blake Masters
  • The Art of War – Sun Tzu
  • Rework – David Heinemeier Hansson and Jason Fried
  • The innovator’s dilemma – Clayton Christensen
  • Influence – Robert Caldini
  • Grit – Angela Duckworth
  • Measure What Matters – Greg McKeown
  • The personal MBA – Josh Kaufman
  • Algorithms to Live by – Brian Chistian, Tom Griffiths
  • Sapiens – Yuval Noah Harari
  • 12 Rules for Life – Jordan Peterson
  • Atomic Habits – James Clear
  • Hooked – Nir Eyal
  • Inspired – Marty Cagan
  • Emotional Design – Don Norman
  • Feel the fear and do it anyway – Suan Jeffers
  • Tiny Habits – BJ Fogg
  • How to win friends and influence people – Dale Carnegie
  • The infinite game – Simon Sinek
  • A short history of nearly everything – Bill Bryson
  • Thinking, Fast and Slow – Daniel Kahneman
  • Nudge – Richard Thaler, Cass Sunstein
  • Misbehaving – Richard Thaler
  • Predictably irrational – Dan Ariely
  • Freakonomics – Stephen Dubner, Steven Levitt
  • Homo Deus – A Brief History of Tomorrow – Yuval Harari
  • How to be a productivity ninja – Graham Allcott
  • Antifragile – Nassim Taleb
  • Tony Robbins – Awaken the giant within
  • Lateral Thinking – Edward de Bono
  • Six Thinking Hats – Edward de Bono
  • Crossing the chasm – Geoffrey Moore
  • The lean startup – Eric Ries
  • Einstein’s Dreams – Alan Lightman
  • A technique for producing ideas – James Webb Young
  • The One Minute Millionaire – Mark Hansen, Robert Allen
  • Schrodinger’s Kittens and the Search for Reality – John Gribbin
  • Digital Storytelling – Carolyn Miller
  • Rainmaking – Ford Harding
  • Finding Flow – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  • Design Elements – Timothy Samara
  • Herd – Mark Earls
  • Power is the great motivator – David McClelland
  • Human Motivation – David McClelland
  • The Business Playground – Dave Steward, Mark Simmons
  • Don’t make me think! – Steve Krug
  • Designing Social Interfaces – Christian Crumlish
  • Exotic Preferences – George Lowenstein
  • Seductive Interaction Design – Stephen Anderson
  • Profit Patterns – Adrian Slywotzky
  • Open Innovation – Paul Sloane
  • Brutal Simplicity of Thought – Lord Saatchi
  • We are smarter than me – Barry Libert
  • Global Brain – Statish Nambisan, Mohanbir Sawhney
  • The Story Factor – Annette Simmons
  • Gamestorming – Dave Gray
  • Resonate – Nancy Duarte
  • YES! – Noah Goldstein, Robert Caldini
  • The Paradox of Choice – Barry Schwartz
  • Influence without Authority – Allan Cohen, David Bradford
  • Inspiring sustainable behaviour – Oliver Payne
  • Priceless – William Poundstone
  • The upside of Irrationality – Dan Ariely
  • Streelights and Shadows – Gary Klein
  • Buzzing Communities – Richard Millington
  • Human Computation – Edith Law
  • The Wisdom of Crowds – James Surowiecki
  • Understanding Motivation and Emotion – Johnmarshall Reeve
  • Web of influence – Nathalie Nahai
  • Contagious – Jonah Berger
  • Designing for Behavior Change – Stephen Wendel
  • Games People Play – Eric Berne
  • Value Proposition Design – Alexander Osterwalder
  • How to become a rainmaker – Jeffrey Fox
  • Neuroeconoimcs – Paul Glimcher
  • Personality and Work – Murray Barrick
  • Uncertainty in Games – Greg Costikyan
  • The evolution of cooperation – Robert Axlerod
  • The power of play – David Elkind
  • Information is Beautiful – David McCandless
  • Level Up! – Scott Rogers
  • Virtual Economies – Vili Lehdonvirta
  • Uncertainty in Games – Greg Costikyan
  • The Gameful World – Steffen Walz
  • Best Place to Work – Ron Friedman
  • Payoff – Dan Ariely
  • Black Box Thinking – Matthew Syed
  • AI and ML for Business – Steven Finlay
  • The Choice Factory – Richard Shotton

And so much more!

If you know a book I should read please suggest it.