Dr Kam Star

Chief Product Officer

Product Portfolio Expert

AI & ML Expert

Empathic Leader

Trailblazing Product Strategist

Insightful Entrepreneur

Pioneering Product Visionary

Dr Kam Star

Chief Product Officer

Product Portfolio Expert

AI & ML Expert

Empathic Leader

Trailblazing Product Strategist

Insightful Entrepreneur

Pioneering Product Visionary

January 28, 2023 Building what customers need!

How do you drive your product development to improve customer satisfaction and attract new customers? Simple – make sure you prioritise solving their most important problems and address the areas that they’re least satisfied with today!

January 14, 2023 Don’t prioritise product like this!

Product prioritisation advice is full of what to do! But what about what you really shouldn’t be doing?

January 2, 2023 Feature-based vs Outcome-based Roadmaps

As a product manager, you may be tempted to create a roadmap purely based on customer feedback and requests, and what’s wrong with that?

December 28, 2022 What You Should Know About 10x Thinking

Are you ready to take your problem-solving skills to the next level? If you’re tired of the same old incremental improvements and want to aim for solutions that are truly groundbreaking, then it’s time to embrace the power of 10x thinking!