Dr Kam Star

Chief Product Officer

Product Portfolio Expert

AI & ML Expert

Empathic Leader

Trailblazing Product Strategist

Insightful Entrepreneur

Pioneering Product Visionary

Dr Kam Star

Chief Product Officer

Product Portfolio Expert

AI & ML Expert

Empathic Leader

Trailblazing Product Strategist

Insightful Entrepreneur

Pioneering Product Visionary

AI interview trainer

  • My Roles: UX Designer, AI Product Manager, Development Manager
  • Categories: Emotion AI, Video interview trainer

More and more organisations are relying on video interviews as a first stage interaction with potential candidates, particularly from the recently graduate market. However, candidates rarely get training or actionable feedback on how they could come across better in a video interview. Machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques can support building a solution that can give practical feedback to improve.

I led the ideation, UX and gamification design and managed the technical development of InterviewBetter. InterviewBetter is a multiplatform video based interview training platform for pairs of players, using live sentiment analysis and AI based feedback to improve player’s likability and rapport.


In InterviewBetter I conceptualised and produced an AI based game using ML models for emotion recognition between pairs of individuals, through visual and speech processing. I used machine learning models for providing feedback to both interviewer and interviewees, such that they could practically improve their interviewing skills.

Using cutting edge behavioural models in cognitive sciences and audio and visual spatiotemporal methods, the automatic analysis of spontaneous patterns of behavioural cues included continuous and discrete analysis of sentiment, liking and interpersonal empathy, leading to the development of an advanced AI-powered product.

More information can be found on the InterviewBetter site.