Dr Kam Star

Chief Product Officer

Product Portfolio Expert

AI & ML Expert

Empathic Leader

Trailblazing Product Strategist

Insightful Entrepreneur

Pioneering Product Visionary

Dr Kam Star

Chief Product Officer

Product Portfolio Expert

AI & ML Expert

Empathic Leader

Trailblazing Product Strategist

Insightful Entrepreneur

Pioneering Product Visionary

DataPlay insights

  • Customers: UK Government, Local Authorities, European Commission
  • My Roles: Product Leader, UX Designer
  • Categories: Big Data Insights, SaaS Analytics
  • Timeline: 2012 to 2015

This £3m+ project consisted of a ground up development of a SaaS based data analysis and exploratory tool designed for people who aren’t experts in data analysis or data mining. It’s designed to combine the power of human intuition for pattern recognition with artificial intelligence, in order to extract meaningful stories from data in an intuitive way.

My role as product leader entailed everything from creating the original vision and business case for DataPlay, through to delivering and managing the development teams over 3 year. I lead the product strategy and UX designed and the creation and updating of user stories, as well as managing and prioritising the roadmap and backlogs.

I created and lead experiments around data models, data architecture and gamification, whilst working closely with end-users to craft and improve user interactions. As product manager I played the lead role in connecting with a large variety of stakeholders including local and central government data analysts, developers, data scientists, researchers and funders, delivering an insightful product on time and on budget.

Opening page with top rated charts from most commented on datasets.

Home page with datasets needing attention, recent observations and gamified leaderboard of user’s contributions.

Search results showing most relevant datasets as well as relevant tweets and news articles.

Deep dive data exploration, clicking on each field further updates the graphs for comparison.

Collaborative big data exploration using collective intelligence principles using a multiuser environment where points of interest in data sets would be shared, discussed and validated.

Technically the product backend was developed using GO, PostgreSQL, Cassandra, Hadoop and Redis as well as a variety of web based JS libraries for frontend.

The datasets included over 14,000 databases from Data.Gov.UK. The project was open sourced after completion and can be found on the DataPlay Github page.