Dr Kam Star

Chief Product Officer

Product Portfolio Expert

AI & ML Expert

Empathic Leader

Trailblazing Product Strategist

Insightful Entrepreneur

Pioneering Product Visionary

Dr Kam Star

Chief Product Officer

Product Portfolio Expert

AI & ML Expert

Empathic Leader

Trailblazing Product Strategist

Insightful Entrepreneur

Pioneering Product Visionary


I spearheaded the development of StarQuest, a personalized social learning and creativity platform that enhances team performance by incorporating game-like mechanisms such as stretch goals, competition, and cooperation. I oversaw the project from ideation to delivery, managing all aspects of development, including UX design, gamification, technical testing, scaling, and stakeholder management.

My goal for StarQuest was to optimize team activity on social networks by leveraging social constructs and game mechanisms, like nudging, social points, and loss aversion, to encourage peer assessment, reflection, and feedback. By promoting cooperative and competitive goal-setting, StarQuest improves user interactions and boosts team performance.

Through StarQuest users can

  • Find, share and create digital artefacts quickly and easily
  • Structure group activity through goals and gamification
  • Improve peer support and provide easy peer assessment